Thursday, June 30, 2011

(the proposal) PERHENTIAN ISLAND

Theme of the project : Perhentian Island
Group name: RAINBOW
Group members:

NG SOON YONG 1101106574
IVIN TAN SU WEI 1091106470
SHAW HUI MOON 1101108085
LEE YAN YEE 1101108768
K. DEEBAN 1061103474


The Perhentian Island which is two islands named small Perhentian Island and Large Perhentian Island. The malay name perhentian is translated as 'place to stop'. it is an ideal place to rest and stop. since perhentian island is a good place which can promote to everyone, our group choose it as the main island to intro in our website.

- we will create a website to promote the perhentian island so that it can boost up the number of target readers to visit it at little or no cost.
- by creating a website, it is to attract the foreign tourist and local tourist.
- we can provide and explain more in details about the information to the tourists who are interest on it.
- we can update the latest package or promotions to the websites so that the visitors may update themselves about their trip to the island.
- we can provide the most quality and useful website for our visitors.

target user
just like in any other places or venues, the very first important task is to recognize the target users or more known as customers. the ability to identify who is your users or customer will enable a better planning of strategy to enusre attraction of customers can be at the peak. there is no point of launching or implement any strategy without knowing your target, as it is just a waste of resources, be it time, energy or money. For perhentian island, we identified few main target markets as to be our main groups to increase the popularity of the island, which are the teenager group, the family group and also the couples market.

- teenagers prefer activities rather than sightseeing.
-list of activities that can be done in perhentian island, certainly this is the hot spot for the most teenagers has been dreaming to be at most of their time.
-the teenagers are also called to prefer physical activities, especially on sports or sort of adrenalin adventures.
-at the same time, the curiousity and also the dtermination of face challenges and difficulties prompted them to involve into water-based activities as a way of showing off or self-satisfaction.
- teenagers hang out in larger group.

- family will be looking for quiet and safe.
-willing to find a good place for their children to enjoy and educate their children.
-parent will take holidays as a time to build up their relationship between their children.

- they prefer travelling around especially those romantic places.
-they willing to spend their own time in a certain place.
- they usually share their experiences through blog, facebook, it can help to promote the island.

foreigners/ travelers
- foreigners are more prefer on explore new place, and its the time to let them explore the mother nature of perhentian island.
- they can see turtle and shark-watching in perhentian island.
- they prefer whole year summer than four seasons.
- they think that visiting in malaysia is cheaper and can have a nicer place to visit.

company annual trip
-this is the good incentive for the staffs and helps build relationships.
-the employers and employees who travel different workplace, they may have busy life, they wish to have a different holidays, trying different activities during holidays or traveling.
-the offered various kind of package attract the company to come n visit perhentian island.

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