Reservation And Payment

Hi, so this would be my another update about my work.
i've wrote about what had i done in the Reservation Page, so, now, I'm gonna write about my Payment Page.
As i mentioned in the previous post, this 2 page is more or less the same, or i should say the way i created this page is the SAME! unlike what my groupmates have done, i don't think my page need graphics and so on, my page is rather simple.As usual, log on to gmail & click "DOCUMENTS", then click under the "CREATE NEW" button & choose "FORM". After u have created it, named your form as "PAYMENT"(circle in red).

After u named your file, click it & this is what will appears.

Inside this page, the customer has to fill up their details for easy payment.  We require them to fill up the details as below:

-  Reference Number (as stated in the previous post, a reference number will be given after you summit everything)
- Payment To (the amount of money will only goes into RAINBOW Sdn Bhd where i created it myself)
- Guests Name

After the guests name, the guests are require to choose the method to settle his payment. so, i had provided 2 different ways(Internet Online Banking/ Secure Online Payment) to let the customers settle their bill more easily.

For the "INTERNET ONLINE BANKING", we had given the option as shown in the picture below:

While for the "SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT" we also provided few options as well

After choosing the method, the guests are require to fill up the bank transaction security code if they chosen internet online payment. This code is to ensure that the transaction is secure!
The transaction code will appear something like this

p/s: I made an error in creating this button. I actually wanted to put bank transaction SECURITY code but i left out 1 word in between! Grrrr, i'm so careless because i never check it again and again AND again! :((

This is the final outcome of the document

As stated in the previous entry, my group will be using the same flash for every single page which means my payment page would be same as well. Leader sent me the file of the flash & i copied the html coding all to the dreamweaver & compile it.

This is the database that will be shown in my gmail when the guests has filled up his/her details on the page. As u can seen, it is very well-organized & neat. So, if we wanted to check the customer's details, it can be found easily in the excel file

So, that's the end of this post.
feel so relieve when everything is done, multimedia subject is way more harder than i expected. haha!
time to fight for final exam which is just around the corner, i mean VERY NEAR, 2 weeks time left.

Study hard, study smart, no more slacking! :)