Saturday, September 10, 2011

Our faces~ :))

Hello!!!mood: on to create a post that show our your beautiful and handsome faces to everyone! teehee~~~ :DDDDD~

Our group leader: NG SOON YONG
course taking :marketing with multimedia
task doing: homepage,FAQ, flash and logo
course taking : Finance with multimedia
task doing: activities, currency and about us


course taking:Marketing with multimedia
task doing:tips and package


course taking: Management with multimedia~
task doing: payment and reservation

course taking : management with multimedia~
task doing: resort, marine park fees

Monday, August 29, 2011


Dear sir,

Due to the process of doing website are still processing, i will update the blog late abit because i need to change something for our website.....but some of the part is already done, sir can check for some of the part, thank you

sorry to inform~....i hope to update the latest before the submission date

THANK YOU! have a nice day :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



hi~ im here and just to inform lecturer that i had changed my blog's deisgn and if lecturer wants to check our work please click in the upper button and check for everyone's work's process

Monday, August 22, 2011

The process of making flash for banner

im the leader of Rainbow 5. ng soon yong, im now showing the process of doing the flash for the banner :)

this is only a part of my work. actually it is not complete but i will update abit about the our process of the work :) this is the background of our banner, im using photoshop to resize the photo to 900wx250h

these photos showing how im using the flash to do my banner.

i have to create the key frame and time frame to run my banner.

im setting my picture into motion clip so that it can run on the time frame :)

after that i will click on the frame to create the motion tween :)

this is the process im using flash.

after i have done the 1st layer, im doing the 2nd layer on giving some shape before the background pop out from here.

im choosing square shape for my banner.

im trying to run my flash...

after i have done the 2nd part, now i do the 3rd part, create a new layer for the words.

the process is the same, and i just adding some effects for the words can too~ create motion for it:)

and last for today is to putting some pictures by showing some pictures on it :)

this is end of process for today, we are doing our part too!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

dividing the task for gourp members

i already divided the task for my groupmates to complete the whole assignment 3
they need to pass up the print screen to me before 26th of August.
this time,i devided the task differently, as follow:

NG SOON YONG (leader of the group)
beaches , design logo , homepage

activities, about us ,currency

payment and reservation

map, marine park fees, map

tips, pacakge and logo

we plan to put in flash in our web..... i hope our group will do our task nicely and smoothly :)


Monday, August 1, 2011

layout for our web design

NOW, i'm going to explain about what we have to create for our website. The flow chart shows that the main menu, we plan to put out the important info for the readers. this is to make our readers feel more comfortable to get reference or info from our website. the 1st picture is our main page, we plan to create our own logo for the website.

it designed by the leader, ng soon yong. we plan to do a banner which combine with few pictures of Perhentian Island. we plan to put some info of Perhentian Island on the bottom left and we set a gallery which putting all Perhentian Islands pictures on it.

this page is showing "ABOUT US". designed by ng soon yong. nothing much, we will putting some images of Perhentian Island for the page decoration. we plan to write out the history of Perhentian Island for the page.

the page of beaches, designed by ng soon yong. it shows the banner of the island. inside the page, there are a few of beaches to select and plan to write out the info about each of the beach, the beauty of the beach and the special of the beach.

the currency which designed by ng soon yong, showing that different countries of currency in malaysia. it is to let the readers to know their own currency and they can plan for their financial for whole holiday.this page designed by ng soon yong, "reservation" of this page, we plan to list down the hotels, the tour guide and the transportation for the readers to reserve for their holidays. the layout roughly draw out what we put on for the page.

the "map", which designed by ng soon yong, showing the map of Perhentian Island and we will put some of the details besides the map so that the readers can estimate how far from 1 place to another place.

the page of "marine park fees" which created by ng soon yong, its to show that the fees for marine park and the beauty of the marine park.we plan to describe what marine park is and how it looks like by showing some pictures on it.

this page showing the activities which designed by ivin tan su wei and edit by lee yan yee,this is to show out the activities which provided at Perhentian Island. we plan to put in the activities of the Perhentian Island and the info of every activities.

this page is designed by k.deeban. he's doing the resort page. the page will gives the resort details and the price of each resort, the image of each resort.

the "package" page which designed by ng soon yong plan to describe the package which provided of us. there's always a special promotion for every month.

our group member, shaw hui moon create a page for the tips of traveling.

it provides some tips for the reader so that to let them to get ready for the holidays.

Friday, July 8, 2011

choosing pictures for web design

we are choosing some picture for our website.

we are choosing for the beaches, resort, activities and tips for travelling.

after i have divided the task for the group member, they try to search for the best pictures for the website.

we are facing the problems on what picture we have to choose for our website, and now, these which we are showing on the blog is the best pictures.

some group member having problems on cropping out the picture, they may think that, those photos are nice. they hope to take the original pictures to put on our website.

these pictures were choosing by ng soon yong.

the pictures were all about the beaches in Perhentian Island.

this picture was done by ivin tan su wei.
she's doing the activities part in this task.

k. deeban is doing the resort part.

and this is how he arrange for the resort pictures.

the map of Perhentian Island

lee yan yee is doing the same part with ivin tan su wei.

she had found the photos of activities which provided in Perhantian Island.

and the last part which done by shaw hui moon,

she's searching the photos of tips of travelling for the web design.